Does the filter on a cigarette really make it safer?
Many people mistakenly believe that smoking a cigarette with a filter is safer than smoking a cigarette without a filter.Filtered cigarettes are not safer than non-filtered cigarettes. Filters do not protect you from bad chemicals, and in some ways, filters can be more dangerous than non-filtered cigarettes.

Why don't filters work?
Filters do not block all the bad chemicals in the smoke, and filtered smoke feels gentler on the throat, making it easier to inhale larger and deeper.
The filter only helps block the largest tar particles, while allowing smaller tar fragments to pass through, which can travel deeper into your lungs.
The inside of the filter is painted white for a clean look. Each individual filter is made up of thousands of tiny fibers. During the smoking process, these fibers are shed into your mouth and sucked into your lungs.
Charcoal filters aren't much better.
If you smoke a cigarette with a charcoal filter, not only will fibers enter your body, you'll also have tiny pieces of charcoal.
However, The acetate tow for cigarette filter rod is useful and decrease the harmless substance into lung. The best Choice to find the Brand acetate tow to make the filter rod. Sechea Industrial focus on the acetate tow for decades and has full capability to satsify the needs for large scale or small scale cigaretter factory.